Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi lived in Pratishthan from 1986 till 2010. Her residence ‘Pratishthan’ was named after the capital of her ancestors the Shalivahanas ( presently called Paithan).Pratishthan, was gifted to H.H. shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust (National Trust) on 08 December 2010.
The National Trust established H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Museum at Pratishthan, Pune on19 July 2015 in the memory our Glorious, Divine and most Beloved Mother.
Pratishthan welcomes visitors for darshan and meditation daily from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
During your visit, you can:
Daily Meditation Schedule
🕔 Morning Meditation: 5:30 AM (Daily)
🌙 Evening Meditation:
• Sunday to Friday: 7:00 PM
• Saturday: 6:30 PM (Weekly Meditation Center)
✨ A peaceful environment awaits you. Come and rejuvenate your spirit! ✨
If you are new to Sahaja Yoga and wish to learn meditation, you are welcome to join us at Pratishthan every Saturday at 6:30 PM.
What to Expect in Your First Session
📌 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Devotional bhajans in the Main Meditation Hall
📌 7:00 PM – onwards: Guided meditation session led by experienced Sahaja Yogis
A Step-by-Step Learning Journey
📢 Can’t visit in person?
Join our live 1-hour online session every Saturday at 5:00 PM on YouTube @LearningSahajayoga and learn from the comfort of your home!
🕔 Morning Meditation: 5:30 AM (Daily)
🌙 Evening Meditation:
• Sunday to Friday: 7:00 PM
• Saturday: 6:30 PM (Weekly Meditation Center)
✨ A peaceful environment awaits you. Come and rejuvenate your spirit! ✨
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